When One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Overcoming the Challenge of Replicability Across State Lines
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 7, 2022, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

How easily do lessons learned in one state translate across state lines, when the legal and regulatory environments within each state are so different? In this session, we will showcase a new LISC report that details how New York—through a blend of laws, technical assistance, advocacy, and funding opportunities—enabled communities to tackle more than 11,000 “zombie” properties and hold banks accountable through the mortgage foreclosure process. We’ll hear from expert panelists from Jacksonville, Florida and Toledo, Ohio about the challenge of replicability of successful practices across state lines, but also how certain lessons related to principles, approaches, and partnerships used in New York can be applied anywhere.
Session Type
Breakout Session